
A supermarket is, first of all, a huge store of products. It is from the shelves and counters of supermarkets and hypermarkets that food gets to the tables and into the consumers’ refrigerators. What a “food house” should look like, so that, for example, a mother was not afraid to buy fruits in it for her kids?

The main condition is of course cleanliness. The confidence of buyers is easy to win, if everything, what they will touch in a store, will be clean and tidy, especially it regards the shelves, as well as surfaces where the food products are placed. Cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained in a supermarket, the surfaces are simply obliged to sparkle: there should be no extraneous smells, mold, insects.

It is quite difficult to maintain a big premise, which is visited by an uninterrupted stream of people, clean on your own account. To do this, it is necessary to have a full-fledged cleaning service, which will work practically 24 hours a day. However, in this case, it is necessary to recruit employees, whose work should be organized in 3 shifts! And there is a big question of staff turnover and replacement of employees: one can feel ill, one didn’t come to work, and so on. At the same time questions of purchase and proper storage of detergents are added, as well as many other issues, the result of which will be cleanliness in a store