We have earned this popularity and credibility due to our dedication to serve the clients. We serve in the most desirable way without burning a hole in their pocket. Our incredible teamwork and professionalism enable us to achieve efficiency. this leads to quick turnaround time, unparalleled results, and guaranteed customer satisfaction. Our Latest and Advanced Technology pressure cleaning services machines will give your place a new look and a long life.

Ivy staff are  high pressure Cleaning Specialists

Our Pressure cleaning services remove paint, mould, grime, chew-gum and dirt from any surfaces.  We offer exterior house cleaning Melbourne service at an affordable price.  Our high-pressure cleaning price list contains some amazing discounted pressure washing prices. We provide water pressure cleaning services for all sizes and types of residential and commercial spaces across Melbourne. Our outdoor high pressure water cleaning services include driveway cleaning, deck washing, tile roof cleaning, etc. We use petrol pressure cleaning machines, electric pressure cleaners, etc.